Monday, July 22, 2013

A Trip to the Marcadao

Today we went to the Marcadao a center were many food vendors sell their fruits, vegetables and other food items in a large building. There I saw a bunch of different products and tried some of them.

Bacalhau desfiado (shredded cod)

I was offered a taste of this fruit and I found it to be sweet taste to it sort of like a pineapple. It also had a a leathery texture and taste that left a weird taste in my mouth.  There is no translation for this fruit.

Suco de Milho Verde(Juice of corn)
Drinking this reminded me of drinking a cup milk that was corn flavored. It was really weird experience to taste corn but not to feel the crunch between your teeth.

Cascas de laranja cristalizadas(Candied orange peel)
This had a good mix between citrus and sweetness that i never had back in the states.

Caqui Desidratado Fatiado(Dehydrated Sliced ​​Persimmon) 

Castanha do parĂ¡ quebrada(Brazil nuts broken)

Mangostin(no translation)

PImenia Biquinho(Little Beak Peppers)

Geleto com molho de kiwi e as migalhas de biscoito(geleto with kiwi sauce and cookie crumbs)

This tasted really good better than the ice cream that I usual have. Nice sweetness and the kiwi and cookie flavors blend well with the vanilla.

Carambola(No translation)  

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