Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On policy

Looking through the policies concerning the environment and energy in America and Brazil we can see the differences and similarities between the two. The two differ in their focus on the global scale and how they prepare for climate change. America wants to be the leader in the fight against climate change while Brazil only cares for its own resources and people. America is also focusing on counteracting the effects of climate change like preparing for storms and evaluating buildings in harsh conditions. Brazil  is just focusing on making sure its renewable energy is increased and fossil fuel usage is decreased. They are similar in the fact that they both want to reduce the prevalence of fossil fuels and promote clean renewable energy or better, cleaner fossil fuels.
In class we discussed are findings about what we learned. From my fellow students I realized how little renewable energy has been increased when compared to current fossil fuel usage. I also learn that Brazil built its hydroplants expecting them to work at optimal capacity at all the time but actually only worked at those level 40% of the time. This caused power shortages and is why having a variety of energy resources is a good idea.
These policy’s that the use economic incentives to motivate the people and companies to follow along the policies goals. Using tax incentives and low interest loans the government is able to help grow the desired industries and make people want to pay the latest in green technology. An environmentally friendly society is far off in America. Lot is wasted and a shift needs to happen that would lower our consumption. Brazil has effectively been able to integrate more environmentally friendly practices into their society. While a lot is wasted many steps have been taken that put Brazil ahead of the game. In Brazil, America or any country the environment is import for society to move forward. These kinds of policies are going to put America and Brazil in the right direction.

America is dependent on fossil fuel and needs to establish new energy sources for it not is dependent on foreign oil. Currently we are on the path to being no longer dependent on foreign oil. The use of renewable energy sources needs to be increased though because even though the fuel is coming from America it is still fossil fuel which needs to be slowly phased out.


  1. I would't say that only Brazil cares about its own resources and people. Clearly, the U. S. does too. Isn't the U. S. buying other countries' resources so they don't use up their own? Also, they seem more focused on being less dependent on foreign oil than actually fighting against climate change.

  2. America is looking for a way to sustain is current standards of living, while Brazil is looking for a way to increase its. America is looking for a way to maintain a static market, Brazil is looking to increase its by 50% come 2025
